Could you be part of the Future Energy industry in Pembrokeshire?

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to learning groups from Pembrokeshire to utilise our industry-standard test facility.

In our endeavour to foster a collaborative learning environment and further the research in marine technologies, we are launching a competition open to Pembrokeshire learners of all ages!

Economic and Social Evaluation of the Outdoor Activity Sector in Wales

In partnership between Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and the Wales Adventure Tourism Organisation (WATO), this comprehensive survey, involving more than 600 individuals and businesses in spring 2023, identified significant growth in Wales’ outdoor activity sector over the past decade.

Nature Finance Review 2023 Case Study: PCF

The work of Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum around nutrient trading through the Ecosystem Enterprise Partnership is highlighted as a case study in this important area of work.

Ethnic Diversity Toolkit

Discover the Ethnic Diversity Toolkit for the Coastal Sector!

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum is committed to making the coast accessible and enjoyable for everyone. We're sharing Represent Us (Ltd)'s Toolkit to help improve ethnic diversity in placements and create a more inclusive environment for all.

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum - Impact Report 2022

As a stakeholder support organisation, the PCF team is proud of our work connecting communities, businesses, organisations and decision-makers. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest impacts and plans! 

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum finalist for Wales STEM Educational Programme of the Year

Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Many of the threats facing Europe’s seas require cooperation between member states to tackle them effectively. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive aims to achieve Good Environmental Status in Europe’s seas by 2020. The European Commission has produced a guidance document to help member states implement the Directive. This Directive fits well with the UK vision for ‘clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse seas’.


The Directive came into force on 15 July 2008. Key requirements of the Directive are:

  • An assessment of the current state of UK seas by July 2012
  • A detailed description of what Good Environmental Status means for UK waters, and associated targets and indicators by July 2012
  • Establishment of a monitoring programme to measure progress toward Good Environmental Status by July 2014
  • Establishment of a programme of measures for achieving Good
  • Environmental Status by 2016


The Directive sets out high level descriptors of Good Environmental Status which include:

  • Making sure populations of fish and shellfish are within safe biological limits
  • Maintaining the biological diversity of marine habitats and species
  • Limiting contaminants to the marine environment to levels which do not cause pollution.
  • The Marine Strategy Framework Directive Good Environmental
  • Status (GES) workshop was held in October 2010. The outcomes of the workshop, published in theworkshop report are intended to help inform the policy development process on providing a characterisation of Good Environmental Status and the setting of targets and indicators required under the Directive.


The Marine Strategy Part Three: UK Programme of Measures is now published. It sets out a comprehensive set of existing and planned measures that will help to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in our seas by 2020.