The perfect opportunity to highlight the need to encourage girls and young women into those all important STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths).

Research shows that boys have more positive views of engineering than girls even in primary school! Which may explain why women still only make up 14.5% of all engineers.

That is why here at Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum we are extremely proud of all the school outreach work we do, promoting an interest in sustainability and marine engineering to ALL pupils.

At one of our renewable energy workshops this week, pupils from Coastlands CP school in Haverfordwest got a chance to put their skills to the test. Gweni said,

I enjoyed riding the bike and seeing how the bulbs lit up as we pedalled. I learned that the sun and moon work together to move the tides. I think an engineer has lots of different roles. They design, build and fix things like bridges, machines and systems. 

All the evidence suggests this type of intervention really helps. Studies show young people are THREE TIMES as likely to consider a career in engineering if they’ve had the chance to take part in an this type of activity.
