NRW – Joint Working Partnership
In 2014, NRW invited third sector organisations to apply for funding through the Joint Working Partnership and Competitive grant schemes. The onus was on us to demonstrate how we will deliver in 2015 – 2018 on NRW priorities. PCF was successful in gaining a Joint Working Partnership with NRW. Further projects were funded through the Competitive Grant scheme and we will keep you updated as these projects develop in the area of marine invasive non-native species, recreational access for the disabled and coastal education programmes. Background to our success includes:-
PCF has worked with CCW and EAW (now NRW) in excess of 10 years, delivering measurable outputs consistently across CCW/EAW strategic objectives. PCF provides practical delivery on a broad range of NRW Business Plan Priority Areas, particularly focusing on marine and recreation.
Since April 2013, PCF has worked with a number of NRW staff in priority areas. PCF was invited by Emyr Roberts (NRW Chief Executive Officer) to the Senedd to provide an external stakeholder review of working with NRW during NRW’s first 6 months. PCF was also invited to the launch of the new NRW activity codes with Emyr Roberts and the Minister for Sports and Culture, John Griffiths, to provide an overview of how voluntary codes of conduct and best practice can work to promote the sustainable use of the natural environment.
Marine Energy Pembrokeshire (a PCF project) is presently working with NRW (Advisory and Licensing) to develop Marine Energy Consenting Guidance for Wales and have been invited to represent the Welsh marine energy sector at the NRW Marine Licensing Stakeholder Group. NRW staff are members on a number of our project working groups and regularly feedback positively to PCF on the effectiveness of our involvement.
NRW recently approached PCF to lead on the Ecosystem Enterprise Partnership (EEP) after previous experience of our stakeholder partnership working and delivery. EEP is currently underway after receiving funding through the Nature Fund.
Alongside practical delivery, PCF has an active role in supporting development and implementation of marine policy across Wales with a seat on both the Wales Marine Planning Stakeholder Reference Group and the newly formed Wales Marine Strategy Advisory Group. This role enables PCF to disseminate the work of Welsh Government to our extensive marine networks across Wales and also to advise Government on how national policy is likely to be played out at a local level.
PCF was recently approached by the Minister for Sports and Culture to sit on an advisory group to discuss the merits of combining National Parks in Wales. PCF represent the Outdoor Sector and Charter Group at a National level with by being members of the Wales Activity Tourism Association (WATO).
PCF has a track record of continuously delivering and working in partnership with a number of agencies including Welsh Government, CCW, EAW, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, National Trust, Port of Milford Haven, Visit Wales, The Crown Estate, Local Authorities and a number of private sector businesses.