Developing an environmental evidence base for the Welsh marine area, this project has developed interactive environmental mapping and evidence packages for the following sectors: • Aquaculture • Tidal Stream Energy • Wave Energy The evidence packages are supported by...
Annual Report 2019-2020 We are pleased to present our latest annual report. This has been our most successful year since Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum’s creation almost 20 years ago and then becoming a community interest company in 2014. Born out of the Sea Empress...
Consultation on the Welsh National Marine Plan Welsh Government are seeking views on a consultation draft of the first marine plan. This plan explains how we will manage the sustainable development of our seas, supporting “Blue growth” across multiple industries...
Consultation on proposed changes to marine licensing charges Welsh Government are consulting on proposed changes to the fees and associated charges for marine licensing, which would: move towards a system of full cost recovery, enabling the licensing authority to...
Pembrokeshire Sustainable Shellfish Pilot Initiative What’s it like to be a fisherman in Pembrokeshire? Watch this beautifully shot, inspirational short film to find out more about what local fishermen are doing here…and if you want to know more or get...