Could you be part of the Future Energy industry in Pembrokeshire?

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to learning groups from Pembrokeshire to utilise our industry-standard test facility.

In our endeavour to foster a collaborative learning environment and further the research in marine technologies, we are launching a competition open to Pembrokeshire learners of all ages!

Economic and Social Evaluation of the Outdoor Activity Sector in Wales

In partnership between Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and the Wales Adventure Tourism Organisation (WATO), this comprehensive survey, involving more than 600 individuals and businesses in spring 2023, identified significant growth in Wales’ outdoor activity sector over the past decade.

Nature Finance Review 2023 Case Study: PCF

The work of Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum around nutrient trading through the Ecosystem Enterprise Partnership is highlighted as a case study in this important area of work.

Ethnic Diversity Toolkit

Discover the Ethnic Diversity Toolkit for the Coastal Sector!

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum is committed to making the coast accessible and enjoyable for everyone. We're sharing Represent Us (Ltd)'s Toolkit to help improve ethnic diversity in placements and create a more inclusive environment for all.

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum - Impact Report 2022

As a stakeholder support organisation, the PCF team is proud of our work connecting communities, businesses, organisations and decision-makers. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest impacts and plans! 

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum finalist for Wales STEM Educational Programme of the Year


PCF’s education programme works across projects to engage learners of all ages with sustainable development and well-being around our coasts. We make education an integral part of our projects and work closely with coastal organisations, businesses and individuals to offer learners a variety of educational resources and experiences.




Coastal Curriculum for Schools

The Coastal Curriculum is our schools’ programme and seeks to inspire futures generations about our coast.

  • We work closely with teachers to create activities that meet the needs of the new curriculum and learners.
  • We work in partnership with coastal experts from a range of organisations to give learners a genuine insight into the challenges of sustainable management of our coast.
  • We promote coastal careers especially those linked to STEM subjects.
Case Studies


We believe its really important for learners to visit our coast so they can engage with the issues and the people who are involved first hand.  We are also committed to the responsible use of our coastline and the benefits of spending time there for health and well being, and make sure we build opportunity for this this into our visits.

We are currently unable to offer field trips due to COVID-19. 

We are happy to take part in virtual sessions with your class.

To book contact 


School pupils at Coast

Climate Change and the Coast


PCF are partners in the Climate Change Adapting Together project (CCAT).  This has enabled us to produce online resources to support schools at this difficult time.

We have produced a curated list of quality climate change resources which could be used in schools and also for others.

  • Click here for links to these educational resources for all ages on the themes of climate change adaptation and the coast,
  • Join us on a virtual field trip to Amroth.  This is a set of activities available in English and Welsh

Marine Energy Education

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum saw the opportunity that the sustainable development of marine energy could bring to Pembrokeshire in 2010.   We want to engage local people of all ages in the potential benefits for tackling climate change and for local communities and economy.  Our Marine Energy education work hopes to inspire pupils and students about careers linked to Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM).  This education work supports our Marine Energy Wales programme and its projects.

  •  Trips to Carew Mill to find out about how tidal power was used since the 1500s on this site.
  • Visits to modern marine energy devices and hear about the technology of different careers in the sector from people who work in it.
  • Workshops to investigate how the movement of the ocean can be converted into electricity,
  • Presentations and resources to download for primary and secondary age learners.

See the Marine Energy Education page for further information including examples of visits, and how to book.