BUCANIER Seaweed Business Event
On 26th Feb, the BUCANIER project hosted Wales’s first seaweed business conference which provided an opportunity to hear about seaweed enterprises and projects from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The afternoon session covered the support available to develop Seaweed interests in Wales.
If you missed the event, view the presentations here:
- Molly Price-Jones, BIC Innovations
- Dr Adrian Macleod, Scottish Association of Marine Sciences
- Sarah Hotchkiss, CyberColloids
- Dr Jessica Adams, Aberystwyth University
- Joseph Kidd, GreenSeas Resources
- Ann Ruddy, Red Rose Developments
- Lucy Watson, BIM
- Jose Constantino, Welsh Government
The event was organised on behalf of BUCANIER by Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum.
Any queries regarding this event should be directed to Tim Brew, tim.brew@pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk